We the embattled, yet battling peoples of Biafra wish to call on all our peoples across our beloved Biafran nation and the Diaspora to stand firm in our just struggle to liberate our entire homeland from the hands of those who have held us captives since 1970 when the independence of our glorious Biafran nation was extinguished, how-be-it temporarily. We urge you to be resolute, patriotic and zealous to maintain our independence after many of our compatriots had paid the supreme price in defence of a strong nation in which all citizens were equal regardless of ethnic identity nor creed.
We therefore call on all Biafrans to come together in these few steps in our glorious march to freedom and liberty, to be more patriotic, steadfast and resolute even more than our forebears who suffered the pains, deprivation and paid the supreme price to ensure that this land of the rising sun forever remains free.
We honour and salute the valour and gallantry of our brothers in various organisations who have resolved to march on these tortuous and perilous paths to freedom. We mourn with our brothers in IPOB (Indigenous Peoples of Biafra) who for over one year have lifted high the flag of our independence, making sacrifices that even Hitler would be happy that, alas, God has created a people tougher than his as they use their blood to water the plants of freedom. We assure you that your sacrifices will not be in vain. It will be crowned with the independence of our great Biafran nation.
We greet our brothers in MASOB, The Biafran Zionist Movement, IPOB and particularly, efforts of the Niger-Delta Avengers who have put back our just struggle in the front burner of international opinion. We salute your courage, valour, gallantry and accomplishments. But we must warn you brothers: the enemy is now dangling very ridiculous settlements in order to return to our land to viciously exploit our resources to satisfy their extravagant appetite. Brothers, and compatriots, these will only last for a time and after that they will continue in the viscous cycle of death, pain and deprivation. We must go back history lane: when our fathers demanded for a separate, independent state, they set up the Lord Wellinks Commission who threw at us the crumbs called Niger Delta Development Board. Where are the benefits of that board today? They later created a Niger Delta River Basin Authority and several others. Wherever they found gutters and drainages became a river basin authority.
During the glorious Biafrans struggles for independence, they created states to divide our ranks in our fight for liberty. After that Ompadec, NDDC, the Niger Delta Ministry and the most ridiculous of all, the dubious Amnesty Programme.
Today, we should reflect back and ask ourselves what benefits and gains have we got from all these? Today, they are dangling at us unfreezing of accounts. How much did the Dangotes, the Tinubus, the Dantatas, the Atikus steal from our resources? Why were their accounts not frozen? Rilwanu Lukman was an oil minister and had lucrative oil blocks; Dan Etete was an oil minister and also had lucrative oil blocks, why is Etete’s block having issues and being verified? Brothers, they will give you, like the devil, their father with the left hand and rob you with the right hand.
Do not be deceived. Our freedom is just at hand, Stand firm!
Following our most enviable path, yesterday 21st June, a platoon of the Attackers, Biafra and Marine Commandos disabled 95 Bar Soku-Shell LNG trunk line precisely at 04.07 AM.
We will continue to work with you in “Operation Red Economy” to ensure that our oil and gas does not leave our impoverished land to satisfy the extravagant appetite of the evil Colonisers of our great country. For we know that the Kingdom of God had always suffered violence and that the violent takes back only by force.
Forward Ever To Victory.
Signed: Comrade Mkpoikanke Effiong Udo Akpan
Director of Information, Supreme Revolutionary HQ.
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