Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dwindling Economy: Guardian Newspaper Sacks MD, 3 Consultants, Set to Retrench 100 Others

As a result of the economic hardship in the country and the need for repositioning, the management of The Guardian newspaper has reportedly sacked the newspaper’s Managing Director, Emeka Izeze, the company’s Executive Consultant, Lade Bonuola and two other consultants, as 100 other workers of the company are also to be sacked.
PM News reports that Izeze had been The Guardian’s Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief until the position was split about two years ago which made him the Managing Director while Debo Adeshina was named Editor-in-Chief. He held the position for over a decade. 
Bonuola who sacked on Friday with two other top consultants by the management of the company, was a founding member of The Guardian newspaper and contributed immensely to the growth of the newspaper.
A source disclosed that 100 other workers have been penciled down for sack and that in the next few days, they would be issued sack letters.
The Guardian was established in 1983 by Alex Ibru, an entrepreneur, and Stanley Macebuh, a top journalist with the Daily Times newspapers. The Guardian was a pioneer in introducing high-quality journalism to Nigeria with thoughtful editorial contents.
The paper was first published on 22 February 1983 as a weekly, appearing on Sundays. It started daily publication on 4 July, 1983.

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